Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saudi Sex Slave Trade Conspiracy Targets US Kids: updated

via Conspiracy Planet:

I haven't spent too much time with Trance Formation of America, however I recently became interested in the subject of the Saudi royal family after reading an article which mentions Cathy O'Brien's claim that she was forced to have sex with King Fahd, which seems possible since child brides and even slavery are commonplace in Saudi Arabia. The following article has no sources so I've attempted to verify the claims with newspaper references wherever possible, links which have been marked by bold emphasis(it may take awhile to finish this process). One claim which keeps coming up on numerous sites is that Saudi princes have diplomatic immunity from prosecution, which seems probable considering that Pope Ratzinger's position as a head of state shields him from legal prosecution for aiding and abetting child abuse.

Please keep in mind that many moderate Muslims do not practice or tolerate child marriage, and a large number of the anti-Islam websites out there promote the idea that drone attacks resulting in the deaths of innocent civilians, including children, are an acceptable response to the worst aspects of radical Islam. Child marriage, in fact, is often cited as justification for aggressive military policies despite the fact that it was commonplace in Europe and even the U.S. up until fairly recently. Anyone who truly wishes to stop religious extremism should look first towards ending illegal military occupations and economic exploitation of developing countries, which are the single greatest factors influencing the growth of Islamic jihad. That said, in no way are the crimes of the House of Saud the responsibility of all Muslims. Just had to go on a little rant there to distance myself from some of the shockingly ignorant, frothing-at-the-mouth anti-jihad sites run by evangelicals whose worldview is only a slightly better than the worst offenses of their "enemies". Evangelicals frequently talk about how great it is for women in the U.S. of A, but the reality of these comparative advantages is that most of them are the result of secular influences.

On another level, it's also important to mention that Project Monarch is not as simple as high level human trafficking, so many of the trafficking victims who end up in the palace are just regular people without any history of trauma-based mind control. The purpose of posting this article is to give people an idea of the kind of legal immunities that allows Project Monarch to occur in secrecy, as well as the kind of international market that allows it to thrive.

They rarely escape since they spend most of their time within the confined parts of the palace compound under supervision. When the prince entertains his male friends he provides them with both male and female child sex slaves for their enjoyment. If he tires of a child sex slave he will sell it to another prince or sheik.

It is believed once these sex slaves have outlived their usefulness they are dumped into Rubal Khali. It would be to dangerous to free them for fear of potential embarrassment to Saudi Arabian public relations abroad.

One hears many stories along the Cote d'Azure of young girls being enticed to luxurious parties given by Saudi princes never to be seen again. Many young girls and boys along the French coast have stories of Saudi princes trying to entice them into their planes or boats for "a ride".

The Saudi princes have grown so sophisticated in enticing young girls and boys, they have even financed their own modeling and companion agencies within Europe and the United States to insure top quality merchandise and cut out the middle men (more on this here). Many models have stories of being solicited by Saudi princes or friends who have disappeared.


Saudi Arabia's participation in international slavery has long been known by State Department careerists who are powerless to react for fear they will be destroyed professionally or will lose the deferred payments promised by Prince Bandar upon their retirement.

One has mentioned off the record the widespread knowledge within the State Department of Saudi child theft within the US. Many of the kidnappings in the United States are easily masked within the larger number of runaways each year.

The breakdown of the US family has enabled the Saudi princes and their procurers to "special order" kidnap without much concern for law enforcement who are usually looking for someone within the local area. One should often wonder when seeing girls and boys faces in the post office or milk carton wanted ads how many have been "disappeared" to Saudi Arabia...In order for the Saudi princes to obtain these very young children who are too young to be on their own, the usual "special order" is placed with their procurers so these children can be snatched from their parents. Again, local police are trained through Washington financed programs to look for kidnapping locally.

Washington denies the existence of the international child sex slave industry just as the Justice Department denied the existence of the Mafia as an international crime syndicate. For several decades the Justice Department called all crime local allowing the Mafia to thrive in the US.

Now the Justice Department calls all nonparental child kidnapping local and finances police training accordingly. Ambassador Prince Bandar's Washington retainers see to it that very little is mentioned about the international Saudi prince child sex slave trade. Remember, one old Washington maxim is: "The one who controls the investigation wins."


It is quite well known within the international slave trade that Saudi princes are high end buyers. There are few countries that do not have procurers working with the international child sex industry.

Saudi Princes contract out "special order" requests in various cities with their local procurers from the barrios of Brazil, London's Leichester Square, Paris's Place de Pompidou. Due to the recent lax border regulations in Scandinavia, the princes now get their fair haired children from immigrant procurers.

In the United States shopping malls, amusement parks and video parlors are prowled by procurers. The Princes not only do not like dealing with the seemlier elements of the international child sex industry such as the street procurers but see the danger of the media picking their activities up, hence their own modeling agencies.

Lately, Saudi princes have begun moving into the modeling agency business to recruit male and female models for some shoot in a distant land never to be heard of again.


As we saw in the third issue Prince Faisal built a marble palace on Kirby in the posh River Oaks section of Houston. He had procurers go to various areas where young people congregated and bring them back to his palace. The prince had a continual party fueled by a stream procured teenagers both male and female. It was relatively easy for the procurers as the word got out about the sumptuous surroundings of the prince. The prince had the best of foods, drink and drugs available every day for his continual party.

We do not know if any of these teenagers were enticed to Saudi Arabia. We have been told there was a hushed scandal where after the prince left abruptly apparently never to return. His favored girls lived at his palace, each had a leased car and the capability to go to the exclusive Saks Pavilion Shops near the Galleria and charge clothes to the Prince.


The Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights in Saudi Arabia based in London through their Saudi dissident leader Mr Masari said; "one regional Governor, whom he accused of tolerating drug users and child sex rings".

Prince Mohammed bin Fahd, Governor of the Eastern Province has been accused by the Al Saud newsletter of condoning sex slavery within his administered area. We have been told Governor Prince Mohammed is an active participant in the child sex rings of the Eastern Province. We have been told he has parties for his friends with child sex as the main entertainment.

Governor Prince Mohammed likes Hollywood where there are many boys and girls from which to entice into becoming sex slaves in Saudi Arabia under the ruse of film and modeling contracts. These sex slaves are allegedly sold and resold until they are used up whereupon they are helicoptered over Rubal Khali and dumped.


Speaking of Jonathan Aitken, the London Times reports: "But he had been in the Cabinet barely a year when he resigned to clear his name of media allegations of being dependent on Saudi money and procuring women for Arabs." (More about this here) Again, international media frequently attribute the degenerate behavior of Saudi princes to Arabs in general. In this case, Governor of the Eastern Province and son of King Fahd, Prince Mohammed used Aitken as a procurer of young girls through Aitken's health club.


A young girl heard her father had died while she was visiting King Fahd's nephew in Boston. He and his friends gang raped her after she became traumatized by the news of her father's death. When asked why, one of the participants said they just wanted to see what it was like to have sex with a girl who was so sad. It is not known if the State Department gave these rapists retroactive diplomatic immunity or other assistance. It is known nothing happened to the assailants.


Before Fahd worked his way up to become King, he was a degenerate Prince who squandered Arabian Peninsula oil money on gambling along the Riviera. One day while eating he spotted a little French girl and told friends he had to have her immediately. He had his associates bring the girl to his suite at the hotel whereupon he raped her. He had promised not to penetrate her fully so as to traumatize her but he did. The girl was screaming so loudly that two hotel security men appeared. There was blood everywhere with the little girl hysterical. Fahd paid off the two guards to keep quiet and take the little girl. Fahd then paid off the parents of the little French girl and the matter was dropped. No criminal charges were ever filed.


Prince Sultan is Ambassador Prince Bandar's father. He has a former child sex slave, now older than he desires, in Paris supply him with female children on "special order". Prince Sultan seeks young girls who are loyal, subservient and sexual. These young girls are treated reasonably well by him indulging them with gifts and large amounts of cash bonuses and salaries.

We believe he returns these girls to Paris after he tires of them with generous compensation. These children can only be considered sex slaves because of their age.